We offer a wide range of services to meet your needs.
Financial Planning
Financial planning allows you to set yourself on course towards achieving your life goals throughout the professional and successful management of your personal financials. Our experience is that those who engage in financial planning typically experience higher levels of emotional positive energy than those who do not. A feeling of accomplishment, financial freedom and the confidence of dealing with life's challenges, and can now plan for travel and other forms of good experiences.

Retirement Planning
Retirement planning is typically a life-long process. You can start early or later in life, but it works best if you factor it into your financial plan early. Planning early ensures the best way to enjoy a safe, secure and successful retirement. Retirement planning is the roadmap to retirement income goals, the actions to get there and decisions necessary to achieve those goals. Retirement planning must include identifying your sources of income, expenses, implementing a savings program, and managing assets and risk. Future cash flows are estimated to gauge whether the retirement income goal will be achieved.
Tax Planning
Tax planning is the analysis of a financial situation or plan to ensure that all elements work together to ensure that you pay the least amount of taxes possible. A tax-efficient plan is one that reduces the amount of money you pay in taxes. Individual investors' financial plans should include tax planning as a key component.

Estate Planning
Estate planning is the process of determining how a person's assets will be preserved, managed, and distributed after death. Houses, cars, stocks, life insurance, pensions, and debt are examples of assets that could be included in an individual's estate. Reasons for estate planning include preserving family wealth, providing for loved ones, funding education, and leaving a charitable legacy.
Portfolio Analysis
Portfolio analysis is the process of examining an investment portfolio to see if it meets your investing goals and preferences. It's also a good way to see if it meets the objective goals for your portfolio, like inflation, risk and performance.

Insurance Analysis
An insurance analysis will evaluate the difference between personal resources and the probable need and estimate the capital requirement. With so much at stake, you don't want to buy too little coverage, and you also don't want to get more coverage than you require, if you're like most people. Based on your budget and tastes, the study will also assist you in determining the best type of insurance for you.
Online Portfolio Access
You can access your portfolio online and keep track of all your investment accounts. Our online portfolio access will automatically pull data from your investment accounts to provide you with a real-time view of every mutual fund, GIC or ETF you own.

Financial Calculator
Our financial calculator tool allows you to calculate compound interest, savings, mortgage amortization and more from the comfort of your own home.
Online Financial Library
From student loans to living off your RRSP, we can help you focus on maximising your income at every stage of your life. The library contains everything you need to spend the least amount of money and get the most out of it. Request assistance from our knowledgeable staff in locating what you require. You can also attend a seminar or workshop to speak with one of our financial specialists.